What one disabled veteran wanted to say about the DVD and how it helped him and his firm.
Dear Mr. Gunn,
Your DVD class that presents the principles of DCAA accounting procedures was very helpful. It felt like I was right there with you. The information was presented clearly. Having all of the power point slides in a binder with the examples allowed me to perform the exercises right along with the class as if I was there. I was able to watch the DVDs during the evenings after work.
As I had explained to you on the phone, traveling is a bit more difficult for me with my mobility impairment. I have a spinal cord injury as a result of a training accident that occurred when I was a cadet at the U.S. Air Force Academy in 1975. After 34 years in a wheelchair, I look for ways to not travel if at all possible.
I have a small business that provides wheelchair testing services. We have also created asessment methods for trails and campground and picnic area elements to determine the accessibility of the outdoor recreation environment. We are working on an automated sidewalk assessment process for Federal Highways and need to expand our accounting system to meet DCAA requirements for this agency. Our business is located in a rural area of Nevada and there are no accountants in the area with DCAA expertise.
My bookkeeper also watched the DVDs and she is now confident that between the two of us with occasional outside coaching that we will be able to make the needed modifications to our accounting system. Thank you again!
Peter Axelson, MSME, ATP, RET
Director of Research & Development
Beneficial Designs, Inc. www.beneficialdesigns.com
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