Need Help with Taxes?

I get all types of questions and inquiries from all types of businesses and I will always do what I can to answer or guide my colleagues to appropriate resources at the least cost. 

Question from an MD:  Is there any assistance available for tax preparation of a new company (2 years old)?

Response:  Hi Doctor, This is not my area of expertise but let me provide some guidance on resources based on my experience.  

What would I do?  I would first contact (web search) your local SBA Office, SBDC Office (Small Business Development Center), WOBC Office (Women Owned Business Center), or VOBC Office (Veteran Owned Business Office), or "all of them" depending on the response, to see what assistance they offer. 

Next, I would try the local IRS office to determine what free assistance they may provide or recommend. 

You could also visit to see if they have any links or services available near you.  Keep in mind that with the IRS they will be looking to recover the most for the government! 

The other agencies identified above should also have a list of reputable tax practitioners that could provide more in-depth support if outside the agencies capabilities.  And don't forget the local Chamber of Commerce!